


[intense_row padding_top=”0″]
[intense_column size=”12″ medium_size=”12″]
The animated scroll shortcode allows you to animate just about anything on a page. Try scrolling down the page and then scrolling back up. You’ll see the animations happen in both directions.

See Skrollr documentation for more information. Make sure to look at the Anchor Position Guide PDF to help understand positioning.

The current scroll animations are:

  • Fade In – This effect will fade in the item at a set scroll point
  • Fade Out – This effect will fade out the item at a set scroll point
  • Fade In/Fade Out – This effect will fade in the item at a set scroll point, and then fade out the item at another set scroll point
  • Scale with Fade Out – This effect will scale the item larger, then scale the item out and fade at the same time
  • Rotate Up Left – This effect will rotate the item up and to the left and fade the item out at the same time
  • Rotate Up Right – This effect will rotate the item up and to the right and fade the item out at the same time
  • Custom – create your own scroll animation (see Skrollr documentation link above for more information)

Examples of the scroll animations can be found below. We plan to add more pre-defined scroll animations, so keep an eye out for them in future updates.

[intense_content_section id=”scroll_in1″ background_type=”image” image=”781″ imagemode=”parallax” image_horizontal_position=”center”]
[intense_animated_scroll target_id=”scroll_in1″ effect=”fadein” effect_code=”data-bottom-top=’opacity: 0′ data-center-top=’opacity: 1′”]
[intense_heading font_size=”45″ line_height=”54″ font_color=”#444444″ align=”center”]
Fade In Scrolling Animation

[intense_animated_scroll target_id=”scroll_in1″ effect=”fadein” effect_code=”data-bottom-top=’opacity: 0′ data-center-top=’opacity: 1′”]
[intense_heading font_color=”#444444″ align=”center” tag=”h2″]
This animation fades in as the element is scrolled into view

[intense_animated_scroll target_id=”scroll_in1″ effect=”fadein” effect_code=”data-bottom-top=’opacity: 0′ data-center-top=’opacity: 1′”]
[intense_panel shadow=”8″ title=”Fade In scrolling animation” title_tag=”h4″ title_color=”#444444″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” color=”#cccccc”]
[intense_filler paragraphs=”2″ start_with_lorem=”0″]

[intense_content_section id=”scroll_in2″ background_type=”color” background_color=”#f9f9f9″ border_top=”1px solid #ededed” border_bottom=”1px solid #ededed”]
[intense_animated_scroll target_id=”scroll_in2″ effect=”fadeout” effect_code=”data-150-top=’opacity: 1′ data-top=’opacity: 0′”]
[intense_heading font_size=”45″ line_height=”54″ font_color=”#444444″ align=”center”]
Fade Out Scrolling Animation
[intense_heading font_color=”#444444″ align=”center” tag=”h2″]
This animation fades out as the element gets close to reaching the top of the page

[intense_animated_scroll target_id=”scroll_in2″ effect=”fadeout” effect_code=”data-150-top=’opacity: 1′ data-top=’opacity: 0′”]
[intense_gallery size=”small320″ columns=”5″ id=”3698″ include=”756,755,751,761,760″ no_link=”1″]

[intense_content_section id=”scroll_in3″]
[intense_animated_scroll target_id=”scroll_in3″ effect=”fadeinout” effect_code=”data-bottom-top=’opacity: 0′ data-center-top=’opacity: 1′ data-150-top=’opacity: 1′ data–50-top=’opacity: 0′”]
[intense_column size=”9″ medium_size=”9″ small_size=”12″ extra_small_size=”12″]
[intense_heading font_size=”45″ line_height=”54″ font_color=”#444444″]
Fade In/Fade Out Scrolling Animation
[intense_filler paragraphs=”2″ start_with_lorem=”0″]
[intense_column size=”3″ medium_size=”3″ small_size=”12″ extra_small_size=”12″]
[intense_image image=”3074″ size=”square400″ title=”Digital Globe” border_radius=”50%”]

[intense_content_section id=”scroll_in4″ background_type=”color” background_color=”#f9f9f9″ border_top=”1px solid #ededed” border_bottom=”1px solid #ededed”]
[intense_heading font_size=”45″ line_height=”54″ font_color=”#444444″ align=”center”]
Rotate Up Left and Rotate Up Right Scrolling Animations
[intense_heading font_color=”#444444″ align=”center” tag=”h2″]
The following two panels will rotate up to either side while scrolling down.
[intense_column size=”6″ medium_size=”6″ small_size=”12″ extra_small_size=”12″]
[intense_animated_scroll effect=”custom” effect_code=” data-bottom=’opacity:.1;transform:translateY(200px)’ data-center=’opacity: 1;transform:translateY(0)’ data-top=’opacity:.5;transform:translateY(-100px)'”]
[intense_panel shadow=”8″ title=”Rotate left scrolling animation” title_tag=”h4″ title_color=”#444444″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” color=”#cccccc”]
Duis euismod arcu sit amet scelerisque iaculis. In ut enim vel mi sodales facilisis non id ipsum. Donec ut tortor in risus eleifend porttitor. Curabitur eu nisl in tortor lacinia suscipit eu quis nulla. Quisque vitae elit accumsan, mattis magna id, bibendum dui.

Proin ut lacus ac mi sollicitudin interdum. Nam cursus urna sit amet lacus laoreet, pulvinar laoreet lectus lobortis. Curabitur varius odio a adipiscing tempor. Maecenas ultricies ante quis sodales accumsan. Nulla euismod justo adipiscing ante porttitor adipiscing.
[intense_column size=”6″ medium_size=”6″ small_size=”12″ extra_small_size=”12″]
[intense_animated_scroll effect=”custom” effect_code=”data-bottom-top=’opacity:.2;transform:translateY(0px)’ data-center-top=’opacity: 1;transform:translateY(100px)’ data-150-top=’opacity: 1;transform:translateY(150px)’ data–50-top=’opacity: 0;transform:translateY(200px)'”]
[intense_panel shadow=”8″ title=”Rotate right scrolling animation” title_tag=”h4″ title_color=”#444444″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” color=”#cccccc”]
Proin ut lacus ac mi sollicitudin interdum. Nam cursus urna sit amet lacus laoreet, pulvinar laoreet lectus lobortis. Curabitur varius odio a adipiscing tempor. Maecenas ultricies ante quis sodales accumsan. Nulla euismod justo adipiscing ante porttitor adipiscing.

Duis euismod arcu sit amet scelerisque iaculis. In ut enim vel mi sodales facilisis non id ipsum. Donec ut tortor in risus eleifend porttitor. Curabitur eu nisl in tortor lacinia suscipit eu quis nulla. Quisque vitae elit accumsan, mattis magna id, bibendum dui.

[intense_content_section id=”scroll_in5″]
[intense_animated_scroll target_id=”scroll_in5″ effect=”custom” effect_code=”data-bottom-top=’opacity: 1′ data-center-bottom=’transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) scale(1, 1) rotate(0deg);’ data-150-top=’transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) scale(1.2, 1.2) rotate(0deg);’ data-top=’transform: translate3d(0px, 100px, 0px) scale(.25, .25) rotate(0deg); opacity:0;'”]
[intense_heading font_size=”45″ line_height=”54″ font_color=”#444444″ align=”center”]
Scale with Fade Out Scrolling Animation
[intense_heading font_color=”#444444″ align=”center” tag=”h2″]
This animation scales and fades out while scrolling

[intense_column size=”4″ medium_size=”4″ small_size=”12″ extra_small_size=”12″]
[intense_image image=”760″ size=”medium500″]
[intense_column size=”4″ medium_size=”4″ small_size=”12″ extra_small_size=”12″]
[intense_image image=”761″ size=”medium500″]
[intense_column size=”4″ medium_size=”4″ small_size=”12″ extra_small_size=”12″]
[intense_image image=”751″ size=”medium500″]

[intense_content_section id=”scroll_in6″ background_type=”color” background_color=”#f9f9f9″ border_top=”1px solid #ededed” border_bottom=”1px solid #ededed” padding_top=”50″ padding_bottom=”50″]
[intense_heading font_size=”35″ line_height=”43″ font_color=”#444444″ align=”center”]
You can also create your own custom scrolling animations!

[intense_snippet snippet_id=”Child Theme | Shortcodes/footer” snippet_title=”Shortcode Page Footer”]